How to Snell a Hook

One of the most secure ways to tie a hook to a line is snelling. Josh Jorgensen of BlacktipH is here to show you how it's done.
Unlike other fishing knots it gives a very direct inline pull, which tends to hook the fish in the corner of their mouths, meaning you'll miss less. The snell knot is ideal for the hooks that have a flat, circular shape at the end of the shank rather than the usual eye (very popular when making flies for fly fishing) as it has the line wrapped around the shank of the hook, forming a tightly coiled knot. Even with regular (eyed) hooks, snelling remains a very effective way to connect your leader or main line to your hook.
More specifically, the snell knot is very effective when used with circle hooks, octopus hooks, and creating a tandem hook rig, where one or multiple hooks are above one another.