
Ved henvendelser til bedriften i tilknytning Åpenhetslovens §4, så kan mailadressen [email protected] brukes, eventuelt kan forespørselen sendes til selskapets postadresse:
O. Mustad & Søn
Raufossvegen 40
Gjøvik, 2821, Norway
Mustad strives towards responsible business conduct that respects people, society, and the environment. This policy document, including our Conduct Principles and Supplier Code of Conduct, forms the foundation of our sustainability work. Mustad considers responsible business conduct to be a prerequisite for sustainable development, meaning that today’s generation get their needs covered without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Mustad Group ESG principles:
- Conduct Principles
Outlines internal principles and standards all employees acting on behalf of the company must follow - Responsible Business Conduct Policy
Outlines internal principles and undertakings towards external partners – mainly supply chain partners - Supplier Code of Conduct
Outlines principles and criteria supply chain partners must follow when linked to Mustad
Requirements relating to own practice
Mustad acknowledges that our business conduct can potentially have negative impact on people, society and the environment. At the same time, we see the potential to contribute to positive development in the supply chain. With this in mind, we have compiled the following principles and criteria guiding our own business:
Due diligence
Mustad shall conduct due diligence for responsible business conduct. This involves; conducting risk assessments to identify potential negative impact on people, society and the environment and to stop, prevent and reduce such impact. The measures put in place are monitored and their effect evaluated. The measures are communicated to those affected by our actions. If our activities are found to cause or contribute to negative impact on people, society or the environment, we will stop the activities and seek to provide remedy. If our supplier is responsible for the negative impact, the supplier is responsible for providing remedy.
Responsible purchasing practices
Mustad considers responsible purchasing practices to be one of our most important tools for responsible business conduct. Mustad shall adapt our purchasing practices in order to strengthen, and not undermine, our suppliers’ ability to deliver on our requirements related to people, society and the environment.
We strive towards lasting supplier relationships with suppliers who show a particular willingness and ability to create positive developments in the supply chain. Mustad is committed to working actively in collaboration with suppliers and partners, to have purchasing practices that are adapted and that reflect the time we work in. This should be based on flexibility, dialogue and cooperation.
Increased service life per product, less environmental impact
Mustad will produce products that fulfill their function for fishing activities, and that have a long product life. If our products are lost in the nature and in the sea, they shall have minimal negative impact on nature, as they contain no harmful chemicals or other materials.
Mustad shall base the volume of purchases on a realistic estimate to avoid contributing to overproduction.
Freedom of association and worker representation
Mustad supports the right to freedom of association and other forms of democratically elected worker representation. We shall involve worker representatives and other relevant stakeholders in our work with responsible business conduct.
Supplier development and partnership
In dialogue with suppliers we will consider, if needed, to contribute with capacity building or resources that enable our suppliers to comply with Mustad’s requirements related to responsible business conduct. This way we lay the foundation for collaboration with suppliers that show the willingness and ability to work on positive development for people, society and the environment in the supply chain.
Countries affected by trade boycott
Mustad, including all our suppliers and partners, shall avoid trading with partners that have activities in countries where a trade boycott is imposed by the UN and/or Norwegian Government authorities.
Demands with regards to the supply chain
We expect our suppliers and partners to work focused and systematically to comply with our guidelines for suppliers, hereunder our supplier code of conduct, that covers fundamental requirements on human rights, labor rights, anti-corruption, animal welfare and the environment.
Our suppliers shall:
- Follow our guidelines for suppliers, hereunder the code of conduct.
- Conduct due diligence for responsible business conduct. This involves; conducting risk assessments to identify potential negative impact on people, society and the environment and to stop, prevent and reduce such impact. The measures put in place must be monitored and their effect evaluated. The measures taken must be communicated to those affected by your actions. If the supplier is responsible for the negative impact/damage, they are responsible for providing remedy.
- Show willingness and ability to continuous improvement for people, society and the environment through collaboration.
- At the request of Mustad be able to document how they, and potential subcontractors, work to comply with the guidelines. If the supplier, after several requests by Mustad, does not show the willingness or ability to comply with the guidelines for suppliers, the contract may be cancelled.