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Jigging Assist Hook

Look no further for an assist hook for fishing strong saltwater species than the Mustad Jigging Assist Hook. The specific bend shape of this jig assist hook ensure more secure hooks when targeting big game fish. Snelling these hooks is made easier by the slight up-turned ring eye. These hooks are perfected by Mustad's UltraPoint 4.3 premium needlepoint technology that keeps Mustad hooks sharper more than 20 times longer than competition. Build your own jigging assists with hooks by Mustad and rig them onto you favorite casting or vertical jig.
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  • 4.3 UltraPoint® Technology
  • Needle Point
  • Beak
  • Inline
  • Standard Strength
  • Standard Length
  • Forged
  • Ringed Eye
  • See it in action

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    Jigging Assist Hook

    Look no further for an assist hook for fishing strong saltwater species than the Mustad Jigging Assist Hook. The specific bend shape of this jig assist hook ensure more secure hooks when targeting big game fish. Snelling these hooks is made easier by the slight up-turned ring eye. These hooks are perfected by Mustad's UltraPoint 4.3 premium needlepoint technology that keeps Mustad hooks sharper more than 20 times longer than competition. Build your own jigging assists with hooks by Mustad and rig them onto you favorite casting or vertical jig.
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